Survey Report From Nagarjunasagar Shocks TRS

Update: 2021-01-02 04:22 GMT
The TRS think-tanks are said to be in a quandary over the victory prospects of the party in the Nagarjunasagar bye-elections. Internal surveys done by them have reportedly said that the TRS has no chance of winning. Most importantly, former minister and Congress veteran Jana Reddy is said to be in the lead.

But, what is shocking the party is that the BJP would be in the second position in Nagarjuna Sagar. If these findings are true, then the TRS would slip down to the third place in Nagarjunasagar. This would be a big blow to the party and the party leaders and cadres would be thoroughly demoralized. The party feels that it has to somehow prevent this ignominy. Hence there is reportedly a huge effort on to bring Jana Reddy into the TRS and make him the party candidate. If Jana Reddy wins, the TRS can always claim that it is a vindication of the people's support to the party.

There's only one hitch in this whole plan. Whether Jana Reddy would agree to join the TRS. Jana, who has been a staunch adversary of the TRS all these years, may not join the party at this juncture, say those in the know. The party thinktanks are breaking their heads as to how to address the Nagarjunasagar riddle.

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