'Roopa - How many times have you been Raped?'

Update: 2017-07-15 04:20 GMT
Roopa - How many times have you been Raped?
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BJP Leader dared to ask Leaders who have been supporting Mamata Banerjee and Congress to send their wives, sister-in-laws and daughters to Bengal without taking any hospitality from CM. She further added, 'Tell Me, If they could survive here for 15 days without getting raped. Then, I will withdraw my comments'.

TMC Leader Sobhandeb Chattopadhyay came down heavily on Roopa Ganguly for stooping to such level for political gains. 'Roopa Ganguly should reveal how many times she has been raped in Bengal. Then, everyone will know about the truth behind her statement'.  

The Senior Politician questioned, 'How can anyone talk about their motherland in such a manner? People of Bengal willn't appreciate the language she spoke as it's like insulting them'.

The statement of Roopa Ganguly hasn't gone down well with majority of the people. Even BJP Leaders were in a dilemma on this issue after the backlash.

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