Telugu States among Top 10 Illiterate States in India

Update: 2015-07-08 05:21 GMT
Telugu States among Top 10 Illiterate States in India
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As per Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) reports released last week, About 35.73 percent of Indians in Rural Areas are Illiterates.

At least 14 percent of the literates in Rural India haven't even studied till Class V. Only 18 percent of literates in Rural India have finished their Primary Education.
Rajasthan tops the illiterate list with 47.58 percent, followed by Madhya Pradesh with 44.19 percent and Bihar with 43.85 percent. While Telangana occupies 4th position with  40.42 percent (9.5 million illiterate people), Andhra Pradesh stood at 9th spot with 37.9 percent.

Kerala continues to dominate with its high literacy rate. In the lungi land, Only 11.38 percent are illiterates and all the rest fall in the literate list.

Top 10 Illiterate States in India (in Percentage)

1. Rajasthan (47.6); 2. Madhya Pradesh (44.2); 3. Bihar (43.9); 4. Telangana (40.4); 5. J&K (39.5); 6. Jharkhand (39.3); 7. Arunachal Pradesh (39.3); 8. Uttar Pradesh (38.2); 9. Andhra Pradesh (37.9); 10. Odisha (34.9).

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