A recent study states that more than a dozen cities in India are facing a high risk of experiencing major casualties in earthquakes. The study was carried out in 50 cities that have seismically active zones across the country.
According to the report, almost 5o% of the country is vulnerable to earthquakes. The report also adds that more than 90% of casualties in old earthquakes in our country occurred due to the collapse of the buildings which were not designed in a way to withstand the shocks.
"This scenario is alarming and needs immediate attention," the report notes.
The report has classified the Indian cities into zones and almost 58.6% of the country comes under Zones III, IV, and V, which indicates that they are earthquake-prone from moderate to very high-intensity levels.
Cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, Ahamadabad, Darjeeling, Chhattisgarh, Ratnagiri, Ajwal, Srinagar, Shimla, Panipat, Pitorgarh, Uttarkshi, Moradabad, Bhagalpur and Gangtak has more level of earthquaukes.
According to the report, almost 5o% of the country is vulnerable to earthquakes. The report also adds that more than 90% of casualties in old earthquakes in our country occurred due to the collapse of the buildings which were not designed in a way to withstand the shocks.
"This scenario is alarming and needs immediate attention," the report notes.
The report has classified the Indian cities into zones and almost 58.6% of the country comes under Zones III, IV, and V, which indicates that they are earthquake-prone from moderate to very high-intensity levels.
Cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, Ahamadabad, Darjeeling, Chhattisgarh, Ratnagiri, Ajwal, Srinagar, Shimla, Panipat, Pitorgarh, Uttarkshi, Moradabad, Bhagalpur and Gangtak has more level of earthquaukes.