Like many other nations, the United States also faced the wrath of the Covid outbreak. The health system was severely hit and the hospitals were filled with the patients when the virus spread was at its peak. A recent survey had shed light on how the Covid created havoc in the United States.
The Government Agency US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report on the deaths seen by the United States in the past two years. In its report, the health body maintained that Covid is one of the reasons behind the deaths in the country.
The Covid pandemic accounts for a major share of deaths caused in the nation. While Covid is the third biggest reason for the deaths for two years, heart disease and cancer are the two other reasons behind the deaths.
After analyzing the annual mortality statistics in the United States, the health body said that in 2020 and 2021, Covid has been the leading reason behind the deaths in the nation. In 2021 alone, around 3,458,697 deaths were recorded and the majority of deaths were recorded by the Covid.
"AADRs differed by race and ethnicity. In 2021, overall AADRs were lowest among multiracial (399.5) and Asian persons (439.6) and highest among AI/AN (1,088.5) and Black persons (1,081.2). Similarly for 2021, COVID-19-associated death rates were lowest for multiracial (49.8) and Asian persons (64.0) and highest among NH/OPI (199.8) and AI/AN persons (198.5). Overall and COVID-19 death rates decreased for Hispanic, Black, and Asian persons from 2020 to 2021," the CDC said on its official website.
The Government Agency US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report on the deaths seen by the United States in the past two years. In its report, the health body maintained that Covid is one of the reasons behind the deaths in the country.
The Covid pandemic accounts for a major share of deaths caused in the nation. While Covid is the third biggest reason for the deaths for two years, heart disease and cancer are the two other reasons behind the deaths.
After analyzing the annual mortality statistics in the United States, the health body said that in 2020 and 2021, Covid has been the leading reason behind the deaths in the nation. In 2021 alone, around 3,458,697 deaths were recorded and the majority of deaths were recorded by the Covid.
"AADRs differed by race and ethnicity. In 2021, overall AADRs were lowest among multiracial (399.5) and Asian persons (439.6) and highest among AI/AN (1,088.5) and Black persons (1,081.2). Similarly for 2021, COVID-19-associated death rates were lowest for multiracial (49.8) and Asian persons (64.0) and highest among NH/OPI (199.8) and AI/AN persons (198.5). Overall and COVID-19 death rates decreased for Hispanic, Black, and Asian persons from 2020 to 2021," the CDC said on its official website.