When will KCR review the medical, health department?

Update: 2021-05-05 04:57 GMT
The medical and health department of Telangana government is eagerly waiting for Chief Minister KCR to review the covid situation. After he removed Etela Rajender, KCR himself has taken up the responsibility of the health and medical department in Telangana. It has been just about one week, but KCR is yet to review the department's functioning especially in the wake of the rising Covid cases.

As of now, KCR himself is in home isolation. He has tested positive for Covid and subsequent test results have yielded conflicting reports. Given this, he has confined himself to Erravelli farm house. So, he is yet to review the functioning of the medical department. The officials of the medical and health department are ready with proposals and requests for additional funds. They feel that at least another Rs 50 crore are needed to provide more beds and oxygen treatment systems. They are hoping that KCR would sanction them immediately in view of the seriousness of the situation.

The people are also worried at the exorbitant fees being collected by the private medical hospitals. In many cases, they are not even handing over the bodies as the medical bills were not cleared. The people at large too are hoping that KCR would take a decision on this key issue.

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