In recent times, the human life span is declining rapidly. With the emergence of new viruses and diseases, the life span is coming down gradually. Our earlier generation has a life span of around 70-80. Now our life span is 68.8 which might come down by the next generation.
A new interesting study report has come out. After researching mankind's life worldwide they have made this report. This report says that Women have more life span than men irrespective of the country.
Worldwide women live 74.2 and men live 69.8 years at an average. In this addition 4.4 years of time women have to suffer more either with loneliness or poverty. Coming to India Men's life span is 67.4 years while women life span is 70.3 years. The life expectancy of Nation being less than the average of the world is a matter of concern. The Japanese are having the highest life expectancy. Japanese women live for 87.1 years while the men live for 81.1 years.
They have found out that there are forty reasons for the high life expectancy in women. Of these, 33 were found to be contributing to a longer life span. Heart Attack, Lung Cancer, TB, and road accidents were found to be reasons for the low life expectancy in men.
While people in economically poor countries live shorter, people in rich countries live longer. The health problems are the main reason for poor people living shorter compared to rich countries. Interesting, every one in ten living in Cities or town are dying as a result of pollution. This study report has made it clear that due to pollution, there is a chance of falling prey for heart diseases, Lung Cancer, and other respiratory diseases. Almost 70 lakh people died worldwide due to air pollution in 2016
A new interesting study report has come out. After researching mankind's life worldwide they have made this report. This report says that Women have more life span than men irrespective of the country.
Worldwide women live 74.2 and men live 69.8 years at an average. In this addition 4.4 years of time women have to suffer more either with loneliness or poverty. Coming to India Men's life span is 67.4 years while women life span is 70.3 years. The life expectancy of Nation being less than the average of the world is a matter of concern. The Japanese are having the highest life expectancy. Japanese women live for 87.1 years while the men live for 81.1 years.
They have found out that there are forty reasons for the high life expectancy in women. Of these, 33 were found to be contributing to a longer life span. Heart Attack, Lung Cancer, TB, and road accidents were found to be reasons for the low life expectancy in men.
While people in economically poor countries live shorter, people in rich countries live longer. The health problems are the main reason for poor people living shorter compared to rich countries. Interesting, every one in ten living in Cities or town are dying as a result of pollution. This study report has made it clear that due to pollution, there is a chance of falling prey for heart diseases, Lung Cancer, and other respiratory diseases. Almost 70 lakh people died worldwide due to air pollution in 2016