Wipro Techie's House ransacked in Houston

Update: 2017-03-08 12:27 GMT
There seems to no end to the Hate Crimes against Indians under Trump Administration. After attacked on Srinivas Kuchibhotla, Patel & Deep Rai, This time another Indian paid the price for making America his second home.

Ganesh Kumar Bukka, a General Manager of Wipro, sent an e-mail to his friends recently explaining how the house of a senior techie has been ransacked in Houston and every item has been broken into pieces. 'His family is traumatized and wanting to return to India ASAP. We read few incidents in media here, but looks like the undercurrents are many,' read the e-mail.

The Wipro GM shared this e-mail only to ensure onsite employees are aware of the alarming situation. He just hopes Indians in USA are watchful about the hate being spread.

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