Woman Falls At TRS Candidate's Feet, Wants Job

Update: 2021-02-05 04:34 GMT
Inability to provide jobs that it promised to the eligible youth is coming back to haunt the ruling TRS in the state. This is turning out to be a major embarrassment for the TRS leaders in their campaign for the Graduates Constituency election campaign. The youth are questioning the ruling party leaders about the promised jobs and are openly criticizing the ruling party. The TRS leadership is working overtime to ensure that these incidents do not get media coverage.

In a recent incident, an unemployed woman touched TRS candidate for Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda graduates constituency Palla Rajeshwar Reddy's feet and spread her 'dupatta' before him in a gesture symbolizing begging. The woman, who lost her temporary job as a field assistant in Enkur village of Khammam district, asked the MLA to restore the job she was removed from recently. 'if KCR's daughter became unemployed, she was given back the job (MLC post) within an year. What about us? Why are you not restoring us our job?' she asked. The TRS leaders, who were present at the meeting were non-plussed and were left red-faced. They could not explain anything to the woman.

But, the TRS media wing went on an overdrive to talk to various media houses to ensure that the footage and the pics of the woman falling at the feet of the MLC were not published. However, this went viral on the social media leading to a storm of criticism by the netizens.

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