It's not just enough to perform well and do good things. The Governments should also win the perception battles. They must win the battle for the hearts and minds of the people of the state. Ruling YSRCP in Andhra Pradesh seems to be losing the perception battle despite doing great things. What more, the leadership seems to be insensitive to this fact.
There is a growing feeling that the spokespersons of the YSRCP are unable to effectively argue during the TV debates. The consensus is that they are unable to expose the wrongdoings of the TDP government. They are unable to counter the TDP's misinformation campaign that YSRCP's flagship Navaratnalu scheme was inspired by the TDP.
It is clear that the YSRCP team of spokespersons do not have proper information and are not conversant with the statistics. They are not being properly coached and groomed for the TV battles. On the other hand, the TDP spokespersons are well-informed, equipped with facts and figures. They have a knowledge centre which will provide back-end support to the spokespersons. So, the TDP is able to dominate the TV channel debates and panel discussions.
The YSRCP too has a knowledge centre, but one does not know what it does. As a result, the party spokespersons are cutting a sorry figure during the debates. Isn't it time that the party gets its act together and set things right.
There is a growing feeling that the spokespersons of the YSRCP are unable to effectively argue during the TV debates. The consensus is that they are unable to expose the wrongdoings of the TDP government. They are unable to counter the TDP's misinformation campaign that YSRCP's flagship Navaratnalu scheme was inspired by the TDP.
It is clear that the YSRCP team of spokespersons do not have proper information and are not conversant with the statistics. They are not being properly coached and groomed for the TV battles. On the other hand, the TDP spokespersons are well-informed, equipped with facts and figures. They have a knowledge centre which will provide back-end support to the spokespersons. So, the TDP is able to dominate the TV channel debates and panel discussions.
The YSRCP too has a knowledge centre, but one does not know what it does. As a result, the party spokespersons are cutting a sorry figure during the debates. Isn't it time that the party gets its act together and set things right.