The Impact Covid Left On Indians Is Not Over Yet: Study?

India was among the hardest-hit nations by the Covid. It took a few years for the country to come out of the threat and manufacture a vaccine.

Update: 2024-02-19 10:47 GMT

Without any doubt, Covid is the worst pandemic we have faced as a world. Almost every nation was hit hard by the pandemic and the health sector went through a tough time. Even the countries with big economies could not withstand the threat. This was the impact Covid had on the world.

India was among the hardest-hit nations by the Covid. It took a few years for the country to come out of the threat and manufacture a vaccine. However, a new study found that the impact of Covid has not left India yet as there are a few people who are suffering from lung issues.

After examining a few Indians it was found that post-Covid victims developed lung issues. Compared to other nations, the damage is more in Indians. The study was conducted by Christian Medical College, Vellore on the impact the Covid had on the Indians.

The study found that Indians suffered long-standing damage to their lungs after the Covid pandemic. While some of them recovered from the situation in just one year, others have to suffer from it for the rest of their lives.

Covid is a respiratory disease that affects the lungs the most. Breathing gets tough after sustaining the pandemic. Patients could not even easily take a breath. As the Covid patients needed oxygen for support the oxygen gas was on high demand.

Now the study conducted on 207 Indians during the first wave of Coronavirus found that post-Covid people sustained long-standing lung issues. Few of them are still struggling with the condition and they continue to face them. This is the impact the deadly pandemic has left.

If we have to compare Indians to other nationals we have a big impact. Compared to Europeans and Chinese people Indians are struggling more with lung damage and the impact it left on people.


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