Russia Plans To Make More Babies During Break Times!

The birth rate is going down and the war with Ukraine is also costing a lot of lives. The youth are also leaving Russia as joining the army has been made mandatory.

Update: 2024-09-17 06:10 GMT

The birth rate is going down and the war with Ukraine is also costing a lot of lives. The youth are also leaving Russia as joining the army has been made mandatory. Due to all this, the population in Russia is quickly going down and Russian President Vladimir Putin is worried about this.

He suggested that the Russians need to make the most out of the lunch and coffee breaks in between work. This is an effort to combat the drop in the birth rate. Apparently, the fertility rate is 1.5 children per woman and it needs to be 2.1 to maintain the stability of the population.

Dr Yevgeny Shestopalov, the Health Minister of Russia claimed that work shouldn't be an excuse to stop procreation. Metro quoted Shestopalov as saying, “Being very busy at work is not a valid reason, but a lame excuse. You can engage in procreation during breaks because life flies by too quickly. Make babies during break times.”

Apparently, 5,99,600 kids were born in Russia between January and June. This is 16,000 fewer than what they had in 2023. Access to abortion has been restricted increasingly and the fees of divorce are raised by the government.


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