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Aish and Trisha doing the same thing

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   21 Aug 2015 9:45 AM GMT
Aish and Trisha doing the same thing
Senior hottie Aishwarya Rai is almost 10 years elder to another senior hottie Trisha Krishnan. While Aish is just coming back to films after a pause, Trisha is now getting closer to retirement from main-stream roles. At this juncture, both are doing the same thing.

For the first time ever, Aishwarya Rai is getting ready to croon for a song. She will be singing for the launch-back movie "Jazbaa". In the modern times, Aish has never done such feat. Much to anyone surprise, she’s a trained classical singer long back. At the same time, dusky siren Trisha is also getting ready to lend her vocals for upcoming "Nayaki". Under music composer Raghu Kunche's supervision, she will be singing a song in Tamil.

Well, two senior hotties now going glamorous with voice. Watch this space for updates.