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Trailer Talk: Infinity War is Here

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   30 Nov 2017 5:23 AM GMT
Trailer Talk: Infinity War is Here
When evil forces from other planets come to the earth to end human species, some avengers come together and combat against them. After super hero movies, Avengers is the movie that changed the trend and became a blockbuster.

Previously, the movies used to revolve around a single super hero. 4 movies from Spider-Man series and 4 films in Iron-Man series came out. But Avengers is the first movie to thrill the audience by showing how would it be when five to six superheroes come into a single frame.

With high-range action sequences, two movies came out in the Avengers series. Recently, the trailer of third installment Infinity War is unveiled. In this movie, with the old and well-known superheroes some new heroes are also introduced. When the first two parts features only five to six superheroes, the upcoming movie features around 20 superheroes.

When all them come in a single frame and fight with evil forces, the audience will be more excited and thrilled. The trailer introduced every character in the film. Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Iron-Man, Black Widow, etc are the old team whereas Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Spider-Man also came together for this film.

Finally the Guardians of the Galaxy team also greeted which impressed the viewers. So the upcoming movie Infinity War used all the superheroes without leaving anyone behind. Trailer just introduced all of them. Let's see how the movie is going to be.