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Chinababu First Look: A Tribute To Labour Day

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   1 May 2018 1:22 PM GMT
Chinababu First Look: A Tribute To Labour Day
Filmmakers come up with first look posters, teasers, trailers whenever there is a special occasion. They don't leave such occasions to promote their films. Karthi's latest film 'Chinababu' title logo poster has been unveiled today on the occasion of May Day.

The title logo poster appears to be a tribute International Workers Day. Karthi appeared as a hardworking labourer posing for a photograph with more than 2 dozen labourers on a field. Everybody in the frame appears to be working in the farmland under the sun and some of them are carrying farming tools. The makers have conveyed May Day wishes to all the workers and also revealed that the teaser will be out soon.

Chinababu is the dubbed version of 'Kadaikutty Singam'. Producer Miryala Ravinder Reddy is releasing the film in Telugu. Sayyeshaa Sehgal is the heroine of the film. Pandiraj is the director. Hero Suriya is producing the film under 2D Entertainment banner.