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India condemns attack on its Maldives envoy

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   29 Oct 2013 4:25 PM GMT
India Tuesday condemned an attack on its envoy's car in Maldives, saying such acts "impact" the otherwise close ties between the two countries.

"While we forcefully condemn the act, it is also a matter of great concern that such acts impact on our otherwise close and robust bilateral ties," said a statement from the Indian High Commissioner in Maldives Rajeev Shahare.

His car was attacked Monday when it was parked in front of the Indian High Commission.

The mission's security guards observed on the close circuit TV that the culprit purposefully approached the car flying the Indian flag, pelted two metallic objects at the vehicle - one of which smashed the rear windshield, and thereafter fled, the statement said.

According to the statement, besides several other bystanders across the road, a policeman also witnessed the entire act but did not react.

"It is evident that there was malicious intention to cause damage to the property and perhaps to the occupant of the car. Importantly, the high commissioner was in the car just a few minutes before the attack," the statement said.

Shahare expressed hope "that the culprit and the people behind this cowardly act are apprehended and brought to justice".

"It would be pertinent to recall that the spouse of an Indian High Commission official was attacked earlier in January this year. The case continues to remain unresolved," said a statement.

The high commission said it appreciates the statements of support received from various quarters within Maldives, including from the president's office, from former presidents Mohamed Nasheed and Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and presidential candidate Abdulla Yameen.