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What NTR did at 3 AM in his house?

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   10 Sep 2017 4:14 PM GMT
What NTR did at 3 AM in his house?
Hero Kalyan Ram exuded confidence that Movie Lovers would appreciate the attempt made by Nandamuri Brothers in the form of 'Jai Lava Kusa'.

Kalyan Ram: 'When Bobby narrated the script for 10 Minutes, The first thing that came to my mind is Dana Veera Sura Karna. I felt 'Jai Lava Kusa' have as good a story as that of 'DVSK'. Except Tarak, Nobody can do this film. Tarak took one week time to take the decision after the narration. I will challenge you, Can anybody do the Jai character in which Jr stammers?'.

'I should share one incident to make you realize how much Tarak was involved in the characters he played. At 3 AM in the morning, Tarak suddenly got up from sleep, he was seen acting...stammering, went up to corner of the room and placed his leg on the window. That's when he got injured after coming in contact with a broken window glass. I came to know about it the next day when Pranathi made a call to Me. He was so involved in the character of Ravana. Pranathi was so scared then. I asked Tarak let's take a break from shooting for one week but he is reluctant as the film was scheduled to release in September'.

The Producer declared 'Jai Lava Kusa' will be a huge success in the career of NTR. 'I would like see Tarak receive National Award for Jai Lava Kusa,' he wished.