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What Jyothi did with Bigg Boss Pay Cheque?

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   1 Aug 2017 4:33 PM GMT
What Jyothi did with Bigg Boss Pay Cheque?
Character Artiste Jyothi is the first celebrity to face elimination of Telugu Bigg Boss. The major reason behind her exit from the reality show before anyone else could be the perception general public have about her. But, What she did with the pay cheque offered for taking part in the show will surely win hearts of several people.

Reportedly, Jyothi donated Rs 50,000 (A part of her Bigg Boss remuneration) for the medical expenses of Veteran Actress Subhashini who is suffering from cancer. She even decided to raise funds for the treatment of the ailing Actress. Not all people who earn easy money might have a big heart to donate for a good cause. In that way, Jyothi's touching gesture won her many admirers in a short span.

After making appearance in Bigg Boss, Jyothi is back into the limelight and media houses have been competing to get her interviews to know about her personal experiences during that one week period. Will this Reality Show mark the beginning of her 2nd Innings?