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Except Nani No One Believed In Him!

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   1 Feb 2018 10:33 AM GMT
Except Nani No One Believed In Him!
Prashanth Varma, the young director of Awe, talked about his movie at the pre-release event.

He said that he always wanted to prepare a nice speech and come up with a nice introduction to his film but on-stage he is unable to say anything.

He then remembered how he went to many producers with the script and they all asked him, "How can you make this movie in Telugu?"

But when he met Nani and discussed the script with him, he got the hope that he can find a producer for sure.

He said, "Nani encouraged me to write however I wanted the script to be written and make what I wanted to make as a film. He never interferred in my work. Je gave me ideas to improve my script and unlike others say, he never tried to force his ideas."

He further said, "I will always be indebted to him and Prashanthi, my other producer. They wanted to do what is best for this film and hopefully, I can deliver on their belief."

Awe movie is releasing on 16th of February. Nani is producing this movie and voiced a fish. Ravi Teja gave voice to Bonsai tree and Kajal, Nitya Menen, Srinivas Avasarala, Priyadarshi, Eesha Rebba and Regina Cassandra acted in important roles.