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No Marriage Talks until then: Samantha

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   24 May 2016 5:18 AM GMT
No Marriage Talks until then: Samantha
After Samantha admitted to be in a relationship with Young Hero during a Sakshi interview, There is lots of buzz about her marriage. Its been reported by a section of media that the Actress would be marrying within the next two months.

Finally, Samantha decided to put an end to the marriage rumors. 'No more talk of marriage until I say so ... I I I I ME ME ME ME aka SAMANTHA says so . Thankyou,' she wrote.

Samantha, however, didn't deny the reports of her dating life with a Young Actor. Which means, Its not a false news and she found her love after break-up with Siddharth.

In her recent interview, Samantha claimed to be madly in love with an Actor from well-established family of TFI. She wishes to continue acting even post marriage but wants to signs films which doesn't damage family reputation.