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Varun Sandesh Is Waiting From 5 Years

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   18 Jan 2015 10:19 AM GMT
Varun Sandesh Is Waiting From 5 Years
Sekhar Kammula’s Happy Days has made Varun Sandesh an overnight Star. Since then Varun scored couple of hits like Kotta Bangaru lokam and Emaindi Eevela but nothing big. That last hit directed by Sampath Nandi came in 2010.

At present, Varun Sandesh is eagerly looking for the release of his new movie ‘Paddanandi Premalo Mari’. From 2010 Varun has almost 10 releases to his credit but none of the flicks fared well at box office. Will these latest release help him to taste a hit after 5 years? Wait and see.