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Rave Party:Confusion Still Surrounds Around Actress Hema!

As per the media reports samples of 103 people were sent for tests and as many as 86 people tested positive which is a big shock.

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   23 May 2024 9:23 AM GMT
Rave Party:Confusion Still Surrounds Around Actress Hema!

In what could be a big shock a rave party came to light in Bengaluru. The concerned authorities raised the place upon receiving the information. Adding sensation to the issue, these media reports claimed a link to a few members of the Tollywood industry.

When the issue came to light, the names of Hema, Srikanth, Anchor Shyamala, Jani Master, and others popped up. Srikanth released a video from his house saying that he is in his house and attending such parties is not his culture. Jani Master also claimed no link to the case.

Anchor Shyamala rubbished these rumours and said she is not involved in this. She raised a point of possible conspiracy behind this as she campaigned for the YCP in the elections. She even filed a defamation case.

While the responses of Shyamala, Srikanth and Jani Master cleared that they are not linked to this, there is a slight confusion in the case of Hema. A few days back Hema said that she is not involved in the case. But the news carried out by NTV said that Bengaluru Police released pictures of Hema and the background in the pics and her video are the same.

Now another sensational news is doing rounds. NTV claimed that Hema’s reports came positive when they were sent to tests as per the procedure. The Narcotics team collected the samples of the accused and sent them for testing.

Going by the information carried out by TV9, Hema said that she wouldn't talk about this and she would respond at the right moment. She is believed to have said do whatever they want to and she reacts when the right time arrives.

TV9 said that Hema used her original name Krishna Veni which might have led to the confusion. As there is a lot of confusion around the issue we might get clarity once Hema responds to the viral issue.

On the other hand, the observers say that this can be the biggest party as we don't see people in such big numbers. One or two people getting positive is common in such incidents. But dozens of people turned positive reportedly.

As per the media reports samples of 103 people were sent for tests and as many as 86 people tested positive which is a big shock. Summons were also sent for them. Let us wait and see what happens next.