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A Fast Bowler Tested Positive For Coronavirus

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   13 March 2020 6:54 AM GMT
A Fast Bowler Tested Positive For Coronavirus
In what it could be a shocker to the cricketing world reports emerged rnthat Australian pacer Kane Richardson developed positive symptoms of rnnovel coronavirus reportedly after he suffered from a mild sore throat.

Hern might also miss the first ODI with the black caps. The Australian team rnhas returned from South Africa recently for the IDI series with New rnZealand. The medical reports of the speedster were awaited.

Whetherrn he will resume playing or will be sent for treatment de[pends on the rnmedical reports. Sean Abbott has given a call by the management as a rnstand-by player.

"Our medical staff are treating this a typical rnthroat infection but we are following Australian Government protocols rnthat require us to keep Kane away from other members of the squad and rnperform the appropriate tests given he has returned from international rntravel in the last 14 days," Cricket Australia spokesperson said.

"Oncern we receive the results of the tests and Kane recovers in the next few rndays we expect he will re-join the team. We will not be making further rncomment until something changes,"spokesperson added.