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I Will Slit My Throat In TV Studio!

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   22 Nov 2018 5:24 AM GMT
I Will Slit My Throat In TV Studio!
Bandla Ganesh made it clear Congress have no intention to ill-treat or disrespect Prof.Kodandaram. He went on to say Kodandaram is like Godfather for Mahakutami and all set to obtain the best cabinet berth after formation of the government.

Asked what about the future of Kodandaram if Mahakutami doesn't come into power, Ganesh dared to say to the Anchor: 'If Congress doesn't come to power, You bring 7'clock blade…I will slit my throat in your presence in the TV Studio. If Congress wins, You should offer sweets to Me. Keep that in mind! I will commit suicide if we doesn't come to power. I'm saying this because of the confidence I have on the victory of Congress Party'.

Ganesh opined neither an MLA nor MP in TRS gets due respect. He cautioned TRS might even issue a GO that Telangana isn't part of the country and anybody should seek its permission for entry into the state or exit.

The Spokesperson told Chiranjeevi is busy with 'Sye Raa' and he might campaign for Congress if there is any possibility. He refused to respond on the allegation of Chandrababu Naidu that YCP and Jana Sena hasn't been contesting Telangana Polls to favour TRS.

Bandla Ganesh predicted KCR & KTR will face defeat in the upcoming polls and partition of TRS is going to happen. He questioned whether there are any people's leader in TRS other than Harish Rao. 'I won't talk about KCR who spearheaded the movement. But, We are getting irritated looking at KTR…such an egoist. Why would he take Political Sanyas? Will he take Political Sanyas if defeated, Loot money if emerged victorious? Won't be fight if he is in Opposition? Except Harish Rao, Nobody in KCR's Family will win. KTR scripted his downfall by calling Sonia 'amma-bomma'. Ego of KCR Family is like wifi covering 2-3 km around them'.