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Bill that bats for H-1B Holders' Spouse Working Rights tabled!

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   8 April 2022 6:55 AM GMT
Bill that bats for H-1B Holders Spouse Working Rights tabled!
America is a land of opportunities given the diverse options it has. This makes the nation a priority for the aspirants and migrants. Lately, the nation has been working on making it better for the migrants in terms of employment and opportunities. The United States saw one more big step in the process.

As a piece of good news for the dependents of H-1B Visa Holders in the United States, a bill that bats for the right to work for the H-4 visa holders, which is a dependent visa. If the bill gets effective then a major share of Indians will get a big relief as they can take up employment opportunities.

The bill that deals with allowing the H-4 Visa Holders to work was tabled in the House of Representatives by Congresswomen Carolyn Bourdeaux and Maria Elvira Salazar. The bill says that the spouses of H-1B visa holders should get an automatic right to work once they get the H-4 visa. The bill was titled 'H-4 Work Authorization Act'.

The tabled bill aims at achieving two things. One, the shortage of workforce can be addressed and the second one is that the dependents who possess the qualification and skills can make the best out of their talent and earn money. This helps the families and the nation grow further.

Addressing the house Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux told the house that with the bill they want to make the procedure of getting work easy and hassle-free so that the dependents need not go through a lengthy procedure to get job opportunities.

Another Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar said, the bill helps in creating better opportunities for the dependents and by doing so, the United States can hold on to the top position in providing opportunities and encouraging talents.

Looking at the current system, the H-4 visa holders have to pass through various procedures to get work. As a first step, they should get authorization to work. It will take a long period for the process and the dependents will have to lose opportunities. The new bill seeks a chance in the currently followed system and amends the existing act.