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Bolivia President Contacts The Ingoing Pandemic

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   10 July 2020 12:10 PM GMT
Bolivia President Contacts The Ingoing Pandemic
Days after, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro contacted the ongoing pandemic, Bolivia's interim President Jeanine Anez tests positive for the respiratory disease.

She took to Twitter to confirm the news, who is currently under home-lazaretto for 14 days as a safety measure. She will also render her services from closeting.

Jeanine Anez underwent pandemic tests after four of her Cabinet members tested positive for the contagious disease. The test results declared her positive for the disease.

The interim President will once again undergo the pandemic tests after 14 days to check if she recovered or not. Till then she will be under closeting only.

She was made the interim President in November with former socialist leader Evo Morales resigned from his post. He resigned from his post after his re-election created unrest.