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Companies Concentrating To Make Work From Home A Permanent Work Style!

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   14 Dec 2020 8:44 AM GMT
Companies Concentrating To Make Work From Home A Permanent Work Style!
Given the Coronavirus situations, all the companies from leading to normal companies gave the option of Work from Home(WFH) for the employees. The trend of WFH is still continuing.

All the activities related to work like working, meetings and other things were being conducted virtually, which has now become the new normal for us. We kind of got used to the trend.

Amid this, reports claimed that top executives from most of the companies across the fields believe that working from home could be a permanent style of working as working from home proved to be productive.

The remote working came in handy to the companies as they don't have to worry about the work location and the employees can also work without much worry about their personal commitments.

The work from home enables the employees to work with a lot of flexibility as the employees need not have to travel for a long time to reach the work place.

Taking about the same Britannia Industries managing director, Varun Berry was quoted by media reports as working hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm became an old thing. Now e have a new working style. Though the companies will reopen, the working culture will not be like what it used to be earlier.

Adding fuel to the speculations, a recent survey has stated that, a mere 10 percent of employees have started to go to the office for work at the end of November given the Covid-19 fear.

It is also believed that the companies are working on developing a module that enables the juniors to learn work from the seniors by sitting ta their homes. If the same module comes, the WFH might a permanent work culture.

The only drawback faced by Work From Home(WFH) is the newly joined employees are facing it difficult to learn work from the seniors making it hard to cope up with the gap at the work.

It has to be noted that, Tech giants like Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys, and Wipro have asked the employees to work from home till March of next year.