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Dengue Fever Vaccine Gets Approval

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   10 Dec 2015 11:19 AM
Dengue Fever Vaccine Gets Approval
A vaccine to use against the dangerous dengue virus gets approval. Mexico has approved the use of the world's first vaccine against dengue fever.

Mexican health authorities have approved the first vaccine to gain official acceptance for use against the dengue virus.

French pharmaceutical company Sanofi developed the vaccine named Dengvaxia and it took 20 years for them to identify the vaccine.The deadly Dengue decease affects 390 million people every year, mostly in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The deadliest form of the mosquito-borne disease kills 22,000 people per year, according to the World Health Organisation.

The federal medical safety agency said that the vaccine has undergone testing on over 29,000 patients worldwide.Some 40,000 people will receive the treatment in Mexico in an initial phase. However the vaccine will be available only to children over the age of nine, and adults under 49. Dengue infects about 390 million people a year globally and about 12,500 people die from dengue every year.