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Hot Topic: Heroine's Open Letter to the Nation!

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   4 July 2015 6:39 AM
Hot Topic: Heroines Open Letter to the Nation!
Actress Shruti Seth isn't happy with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's #SelfieWithDaughter campaign. "Selfies don't bring about change, reform does. So please try and be bigger than a photograph. Come on," she tweeted on her Twitter page.

What Shruti Seth received in return? 48 Hours of non-stop Trolling! The Actress now writes an open letter to the whole Nation explaining who badly she was treated for honestly expressing her views and remained firm on her stand that selfies don't bring any change but reforms.

Excerpts from Shruti Seth's Letter:

I write this to an entire nation because no one individual can be held responsible for bringing about change in the mindset of a billion odd people. Change can only happen if there is awareness at an individual level.

On the morning of 28th June, I made the grave mistake of expressing my views on an initiative called #selfiewithdaughter which had been blessed by our PM. I expect more from the man who's supposed to usher in a new era of change, not just tenuous surface-level initiatives.

I was subjected to a tsunami of hate tweets. 48 hours of non stop trolling. The tweets were targeted at me, my family, my 'Muslim' husband, my 11 month old daughter and, of course, my non-existent, dwindling, no-good career as an actor.

Men and women alike said the most vile things about me, stripping me of all my dignity as someone's daughter, wife and mother and most importantly a woman. Men Asked me if I knew who my real father was and Questioned if I had been sexually abused as a child. Women asked me if I was a prostitute and if I was planning on doing the same with my daughter. What is the point of taking selfies with your girls when you’re also responsible for creating the most toxic environment for them to grow up in? Why bother to increase the number of girls being born when you choose to treat them with such indignity and disrespect?