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India Shot Down Satellite In Space: Modi

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   27 March 2019 12:04 PM GMT
India Shot Down Satellite In Space: Modi
India destroyed a low-orbiting satellite in a missile test which makes the country a Space Power now. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has proudly announced the news during the TV, Radio and Social Media broadcast. 'India has successfully tested the Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Missile. Congratulations to everyone on the success of #MissionShakti,' PM tweeted.

Modi opined there will be moments of utmost pride and those which create a historic impact on generations to come. 'One such moment is Today. It's a rare achievement for the country,' he added.

PM clarified there is no intention what-so-ever to target any country with such an action and no international laws were breached. He told the satellite orbiting at an altitude of 300km was shot down.

Mission Shakti was led by the Defence Research and Development Organisation. Modi informed that the highly complex mission was carried out at an extremely high speech with remarkable precision. He claims successful accomplition of the mission shows the outstanding ability of Indian Scientists and the success of our Space Programme. India is only the fourth country, after US, Russia and China, to emerge as a Space Power. This achievement makes India stronger, even more secure and assures peace.