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India warning to USA

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   1 Aug 2014 4:05 AM GMT
India warning to USA
There are many countries that are in hands of USA in the form of Snooping since few years. After Snowden disclosed these facts, many of USA allies are angry about this incident. In the recent times Snowden disclosed more facts about this snooping program (PRISM) on India.

Alarmed by the disclosure last month that US authorities spied on BJP when it was not in power, foreign minister Sushma Swaraj raised the issue with visiting secretary of state John Kerry on Thursday saying this was totally unacceptable to India. She had warned Jhon Kerry on this incident and said it will destroy the relationships between both the countries.

India had registered a strong protest with senior US diplomats and issued a notice to US embassy in New Delhi after the disclosure which was based on documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden but officials said Swaraj took up the issue with Kerry to drive home the point that there was anger in the country over alleged snooping by the National Security Agency (NSA).

John Kerry tried to mitigate the issue but Sushma Swaraj strongly pitched on this issue and given a conclusion as a warning to USA to review the snooping program of USA.