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Lukewarm Response To Membership Rattles TRS Top Brass

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   15 Feb 2021 4:39 AM GMT
Lukewarm Response To Membership Rattles TRS Top Brass
The TRS core leaders are alarmed at the poor response to the party's membership drive. Announced amid much fanfare by CM KCR himself at the recent Haliya public meeting, the membership drive is not getting the kind of enthusiasm that was there in the past.

In the past, the party members were highly enthusiastic in enrolling members as they hoped that this could be their passport to secure party positions. The party had also promised insurance cover to all party members. But, this time, the response is lukewarm. Though KCR had given a target of making 50000 members to each MLA, the drive is yet to pick pace. Party insiders say the rank and file of the party, especially those in the second and third rungs are showing no interest as there is no mention of the nominated posts or the rewards to the dedicated party workers. To add to the woes, in several areas, the intense groupism in the party is taking its toll.

For instance in Tandur area, there is intense tussle between MLA Rohit Reddy and MLC Mahender Reddy. On Sunday, the supporters of both the leaders clashed bitterly on the stage at a membership drive meeting. Tandur municipal chairperson was booed when he tried to speak. Elsewhere too, the response to the membership is lukewarm, admit TRS sources.