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Modi attack on Pakistan!

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   12 Aug 2014 8:31 AM GMT
Modi attack on Pakistan!
Prime Minister Narendra Modi who known for his aggressive decisions on social issues raised his voice again on the long pending issues with Pakistan. Today Modi on a visit to Indian Army quarters in Leh . He thrashed Pakistan for its double play with India on the Indian border.

Prime Minister addressing soldiers at Leh, Modi said that the "neighboring country has lost the strength to fight a conventional war, but continues to engage in proxy war of terrorism". He said that Indian military is suffering more casualties from terrorism than from war. Modi said that the government was committed to make India self-reliant in defense manufacturing.

He remembered Kargil war and praised the soldiers who participated in that war. He given assurance to soldiers to look on one Rank, one salary scheme including modernization of armed forces with latest technology on this occasion.