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Netaji's Last Words & Final Moments!

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   17 Jan 2016 7:54 AM GMT
Netajis Last Words & Final Moments!
London-based Senior Journalist Ashis Ray released the details of Subhash Chandra Bose's death through a website. He also mentioned about the quotes from an interview with Doctor Taneyoshi Yoshimi in the year 1995.

The last words spoken by Netaji before his death on 18th August 1945 following a plane crash - 'I feel as if blood is rushing to my head. I would like to sleep a while'. He conveyed this message to the doctor who was treating him at the Nanmon Military Hospital when asked 'What can I do for you?'.

The Doctor came to know that the person injured in the crash was actually Subhash Chandra Bose from a lieutenant who told him to save his life at any cost as he is a very important person. After the crash, Netaji suffered from external burns and the injuries on his head, chest and thighs were severe. Bose was in a state of coma few hours after being admitted to the hospital and breathed his last at 2300 hrs.