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Pakistan Approves Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine For Emergency Use

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   19 Jan 2021 8:44 AM GMT
Pakistan Approves Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine For Emergency Use
Despite the success of the Covid-19 vaccine, the fear of virus among the public remains. The coronavirus vaccination drive is currently underway in India from the 16th of this month. However, China is one of the countries competing for the vaccine in the same order.

Recently, China announced that it had completed the manufacture of its vaccine, thereby controlling the pandemic in their country. But the other nations of the world did not lean towards it.

Pakistan on Monday approved the Chinese Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use. The Drug Regulatory Authority Pakistan (DRAP) said the vaccine, manufactured by China National Pharmaceutical Group, had been given emergency use approval (EUA). The DRAP will also conduct a special review every three months on the storage, safety, efficacy and effects of the vaccine. As per the company, the vaccine is 79.3 percent effective.

Along with the Chinese vaccine, the AstraZeneca's vaccine developed with Oxford University received a similar authorization.