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Party Chief Ignores Ex-Chief's Recommendations

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   22 Aug 2020 4:04 AM GMT
Party Chief Ignores Ex-Chiefs Recommendations
Dr K Laxman…. Does that name ring a bell? Till recently, he was the Telangana BJP president. It was during his time that the BJP won four MP seats. But, now that his term is over and Sanjay took over, his has no role in the state BJP. He finds himself out of place and out of colour.

Normally, when they step down, the state BJP presidents are taken into the national team. In some cases, they are even made Rajya Sabha MPs. In Laxman's case, neither has happened. He has not been taken into the national team and there appear to be no chance of becoming a Rajya Sabha MP anytime soon. Unfortunately for him, BJP National Secretary Muralidhar Rao could be given a Rajya Sabha seat in future. Laxman comes next in the pecking order. So, he has no work or responsibility as of now.

To add to the insult, new president Bandi Sanjay has not included any of the names suggested by Laxman in the newly constituted state team. All his supporters are now out of the state BJP team that Bandi Sanjay has put together. Laxman is said to be fretting and fuming at this insult.