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Pests and Currency in ballot Boxes

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   13 May 2014 10:22 AM
Pests and Currency in ballot Boxes
Counting of votes polled during Andhra Pradesh's Zilla Parishad Territorial Constituency (ZPTC) and Mandal Parishad Territorial Constituency (MPTC) elections was going underway and it is throwing up interesting incidents across the state.

In one of the counting centres at Guntur district, thousand rupee notes was found in the ballot box. Other side Unseasonal rains in both East and West Godavari is playing havoc in some counting centres, as water entered ballot boxes. This has many candidates extremely worried, as reportedly some votes have been damaged.

The counting officials are trying to count them by separating the wet ballot papers carefully.Also due to the postponement of results, Ballot boxes have suffered damage in some areas due to attack of pests.

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