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Please Invite me,Veteran Hero Pleads BJP

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   21 Nov 2014 9:38 AM GMT
Please Invite me,Veteran Hero Pleads BJP

Senior actor Suman revealed his opinion on his political opportunities in TDP. He trying to send out his un-satisfaction over his recongnization in party. He claimed TDP not able to use his services and urged Chandrababu to go with transparent. In his claims he shown his wish to join with BJP. He almost openly asked BJP leaders to send a invite to him to finalize his career opportunity with TDP.

He expressed dissatisfaction on his political career and shown confidence on getting active role in BJP. Its a big question for BJP which already playing an ally role with TDP will try to invite Suman or not. If they welcome this veteran hero how TDP will respond?. TDP will not hesitate to take any serious action if BJP tries to grab its leaders. Already many leaders from industry joined in BJP. Does it really make any difference to Suman if he joins in BJP?