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A Theater Set On Fire.. Mall Attacked

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   24 Jan 2018 6:39 AM GMT
A Theater Set On Fire.. Mall Attacked
The controversies surrounding 'Padmaavat' is not at all dying down. The agitations are increasing with each passing day claiming that their sentiments are hurt with the period film. While some people are saying that they will attack the theaters screening 'Padmaavat'.. others are saying that 2000 people are getting ready to self immolate themselves in front of the theaters. Amidst all this hungama 'Padmaavat' is releasing on January 25.

Karni Sena which has been vehemently opposing the film, resorted to violence in Gujarat. Unidentified persons attacked single screens and multiplex theaters cum shopping malls in Ahmedabad where 'Padmaavat' is set to be screened. They have set fire to a theater .. and they have set fire to vehicles parked infront of the theater. They created hungama on the roads carrying weapons. These people belong to Karni Sena as per the reports.

As the latest protests have gone out of hands and violence erupted, police fired two rounds into the air to control the rioting crowd. Considering the gravity of the situation, Gujarat DGP immediately called for an emergency meeting. He has deployed additional police forces to maintain peace. They have provided security at the theaters 'Padmaavat' is screening. On the other hand, Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani also reacted on the issue by urging the people to stay calm and maintain peace.

The protests not only confined to Gujarat. Karni Sena started agitations going on in Madhya Pradesh.. Uttar Pradesh.. Haryana.. Delhi as well. Police imposed 144 section to control the violence in Gurugram which is considered as Indian Silicon Valley. Several theater owners who were supposed to screen 'Padmaavat' displayed boards that they are not screening 'Padmavati'. But still, reports are emerging that Karni Sena members are resorting to attacks on theaters.