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'I Will Think About Marriage After 5 Years'

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   14 Aug 2018 4:44 AM GMT
I Will Think About Marriage After 5 Years
PV Sindhu informed she hasn't thought of marriage due to the goals she has set for herself to achieve in the coming years. Winning Gold Medal in the next Olympics is her top priority at the moment.

When quizzed if her Parents are in search of her Life Partner, Sindhu replied, 'No, There is nothing of that sort! They knew how small career in sports can be. Now, I am in peaks. From now, I can continue for 5 years. Thereafter we might think about it!'.

PV Sindhu told she prefers a man who is good hearted as her life partner. She doesn't mind if his height is equal to that of her or taller than her.

The Champion Player wishes to inform her Parents first if she falls in love with someone or finds somebody with whom she wants to spend rest of her life.