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Rajaiah Daughter-in-Law Sarika's Email leaked

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   5 Nov 2015 7:35 AM GMT
Rajaiah Daughter-in-Law Sarikas Email leaked
Former Congress MP Sircilla Rajaiah's Daughter-in-Law Sarika who died under mysterious circumstances on Wednesday sent an email to her Advocate few days ago explaining the mental & physical harassment she has been facing.

What's there in Sarika's Email? Sarika mentioned that her husband Anil Kumar and Mother-in-Law has been forcing her to leave the house. The harassment only kept growing after Rajaiah became an MP and she was abused before servants & guests on multiple occasions. Anil Kumar have extra-marital affairs and he is very irresponsible. Whenever she would ask where he had gone, Anil Kumar used to thrash her and his parents never bothered to care for her. Sarika and her children would starve for days as Anil wouldn't bring home anything to eat. He doesn't even pay school fees of children and the hospital bills.

Anil Kumar didn't even allow Sarika to speak with her Parents & Sister. Rajaiah used to preach a lot of women have sacrificed their lives for husband, father-in-law and mother-in-law. He even advised Sarika to take such a step and these words hurt Sarika a lot. It should a lot of time for her to get out of these pressures and even thought of committing suicide on several occasions.