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Supreme Question: Should People Wait Till PM Opens It?

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   11 May 2018 4:57 AM GMT
Supreme Question: Should People Wait Till PM Opens It?
The Supreme Court made an interesting comment recently. The highest court in India reacted to a project inauguration delay in Delhi. A project has been taken up for easing the traffic congestion in the Delhi city and the project is completed. The inauguration is getting delayed due to the unavailability of PM. As the project is supposed to be inaugurated by PM Narendra Modi, the Delhi officials are waiting for him but he is busy with Karnataka assembly elections.

There is no need to talk about the traffic issues in the capital of India. National highways authority has completed the project Easter Peripheral Expressway to solve the traffic issues and they planned to inaugurate it with PM Narendra Modi. As the expressway is ready and the inauguration is delayed, the issue went to the notice of the Supreme Court. The court questioned 'Won't you make it available to the people until PM inaugurates it?"

The court observed that if they don't make it available to the common people, the people will continue to face traffic issues. The court has also passed orders that the expressway should be made available to the public from June 1, whether PM inaugurates it before May 31 or not. The court also said that the peripheral expressway can ease the traffic congestion and decrease the pollution levels to some extent. It has become interesting to see whether PM will inaugurate the project before May 31 or not.