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T minister's frequent tours yielded nothing

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   2 Aug 2021 7:33 AM GMT
T ministers frequent tours yielded nothing
High profile visits of the top leaders of the Telangana government are yielding nothing. Since the TRS government came to power, there have been several important exploratory visits to various states and even neighbouring countries. But despite spending huge amounts on these tours, nothing concrete has come out of them.

Take for instance, Chief Minister KCR's tour to Malaysia and Singapore. Soon after becoming the CM, he went to Singapore and from there went to Malaysia by road. This was in October 2914. So impressed was KCR that he had announced that Telangana's roads would be converted to suit Malaysian standards. But the roads in interior Telangana remain the same even after seven years.

Later, in September 2015, KCR, KTR and the then industries minister Jupalli Krishna Rao visited China to lure investments. The travel cost a fortune but nothing concrete came out and no investments flowed in. In June 2016, KTR again made a tour of Malaysia and Singapore, ostensibly to lure investments in the electronic and IT sector. Nothing came out of this tour. Ditto with KTR's tour of Japan in 2018. In January 2020, KTR visited Davos to lure investment. It ended up as a failure.

The fate of the tours undertaken by various ministers on various pretexts too ended up achieving nothing. For instance, KCR promised to install a 125-feet tall Ambedkar Statue in 2016. The statue would be the pride of Hyderabad, he said. A team comprising Kadiyam Srihari Reddy, Jagadeeshwar Reddy and Eatala visited China to study the Buddha Park there. The tour yielded nothing. Jogu Ramanna's visit to Tripura, Srinivas Goud's visit to Malaysia, Niranjan Reddy's tour of Karnataka and other tours of various other tours of officials and ministers too yielded nothing. At the end of the day, the Government has spent huge amounts on these tours but could not derive even an iota of benefit.