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Surprise: Taliban troops says peace will be maintained in Afghanistan

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   17 Aug 2021 1:44 PM GMT
Surprise: Taliban troops says peace will be maintained in Afghanistan
Several fears and concerns are being raised over the rights and freedom of Afghanistan nationals with the Taliban troops taking Afghanistan into their hands.

Especially, the safety and future of women was talked about mostly. Women feared that Sharia laws might be implemented again.

As an unexpected move, the Taliban troops had made a promise of establishing peace and freedom in the country.

The definition given by the troops is that those who have been working at the government institutions can return to work.

"People can live as usual without any restrictions and the day to day life activities will not be stopped. Women can also work," Taliban troops said.

However, one doubt is constantly raised on whether the promise made was genuine or was it a tactic by the Taliban troops.

Joining the force, the United Nations said it had a lot of doubts over the promises made by the Taliban troops and said it has to be seen if there was any vested interest involved behind the promise.