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Top level Terrorist arrested in Hyderabad by NIA

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   18 Nov 2014 9:43 AM GMT
Top level Terrorist arrested in Hyderabad by NIA
Terrorist who is a pioneer in making bombs got caught by NIA in Hyderabad. Khaleed, who is basically from Bangladesh came to West Bengal few years back. At that time, he rented a house and prepared bombs. Unexpectedly, the bomb which they are making got blasted and few people died in this instance.

Later, Khaleed shifted his base to Hyderabad and is involved in bomb making. This terrorist is involved in Burdwan blasts and NIA got information about the presence of this terrorist in Hyderabad. With complete information, NIA took charge and caught this top level terrorist.

At present Police officials are planning to take him to New Delhi to interrogate on their further plans. As per the reports, they planned few blasts and Khaleed is expected to say about them to the Police in the coming days.