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US to suffer from UK variant of Coronavirus by early spring!

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   30 Jan 2021 2:25 PM GMT
US to suffer from UK variant of Coronavirus by early spring!
The Superpower nation United States is facing the deadly impact of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic currently. The fresh fatalities and Coronavirus are increasing in the country rapidly, every other day.

Now the country has one more issue to worry about. The US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director predicted that the UK variant of Covid-19 might become more dominant in the US by the middle of spring.

US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci held a press conference in Washington DC to talk about the prevailing situations in the nation and the possible situations related to the pandemic.

He said, between the end of March to the beginning of April, the UK strain of the Coronavirus will become more dominant in the United States.

However, Anthony Fauci said that there is no proper evidence to prove whether the South African strain of Coronavirus will become more dominant in the United States compared to the UK strain.

He said that, according to the information, the UK strain of the Coronavirus has left more than 315 patients with the pandemic in the United States so far

The Covid-19 cases have surpassed the 2.64 crore-mark after 1,56,812 fresh infections were registered in the past 24 hours. More than 4.47 lakh patients have succumbed to the pandemic so far.

The vaccination drive against Coronavirus is underway in the United States. Though the US administration expected a massive response from the public to take the vaccine doses, the drive received a mediocre response.