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Be Aware: What Happens After Covid-19 Virus Enters Into Our Body?

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   15 March 2020 12:48 PM
Be Aware: What Happens After Covid-19 Virus Enters Into Our Body?
Novel Corona virus Covid-19 is not an air borne disease and it spreads through persons coming into contact with the droplets released through sneezing or coughing by an infected person.

So, preventing yourself from touching everything that a person who is heavily coughing or who sneezed right before you should keep you away from contracting the virus.

But what happens if virus enters into your system? Will you die? Let's know in detail.

Medical Journal, The Lancet has published an article about the virus growth in the human body through the days after its first entry. According to it,

Within 1-3 days,

- Virus will enter into our nose or mouth and there it starts growing rapidly. We will have mild breathing problems.

- Patient will have throat pain

- Patient will have running temperature

After 3 days, within 4-9 days,

- Virus will enter our lungs as we swallow fluids to clear throat

- In 8 to 9 days, virus infects the lungs and they become hard. This makes it hard to breathe for any patient.

After 9 days, within 9-15 days,

- Infection from lungs enters bloods and contaminates it

- In another week, patient's condition deteriorates severely. Chances of death increases.

After 14 days, within 14-21 days,

- This is the most crucial part of the patient's life.

- They can either recover from infection or die due to it.

On the whole, as common flu and swine flu too have similar symptoms, Covid-19 can only be detected around 5th day to 7th day of infection. The disease still doesn't have a vaccine but people with healthy immune system are able to fight the infection caused by it in 18-25 days.

Only people with long term diseases and poor immunity system are dying due to infection. 95 out of 100 people who are affected by the disease are being discharged from hospitals after 25 days as they recover from the disease with normal medication and isolation.

Remember one thing never panic and rush to hospital unless and until you have symptoms. Allow doctors to check those patients who need complete attention first. Covid-19 is a deadly disease only if you have bad immunity system, so try to improve your health and take good care of diet.