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Who Called Kauravas As Test Tube Babies?

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   5 Jan 2019 12:32 PM GMT
Who Called Kauravas As Test Tube Babies?
Speech of Andhra University Vice Chancellor G Nageshwar Rao at the Indian Science Congress drew the attention of the Nation. He told the science of guided missiles existed thousands of years ago citing Mahabharata and Ramayana as a proof.

G Nageshwar Rao: 'India had the knowledge of test tube fertilisation, stem cell research and missile technology thousands of years ago. Stem cell research and test tube technology is the reason behind the birth of Kauravas from One Mother. That's science in this country'.

VC went on to say Lord Rama's astras and shastras were a proof of the existence of guided missiles technology in that era. He told King Ravana used to have 24 varieties of aircrafts and they have been utilized depending on the situation. To everyone's surprise, He also said the Demon King have many airports in Lanka during that period.