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With Coronavirus Outbreak, Facebook Shuts Its London Office

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   7 March 2020 12:42 PM GMT
With Coronavirus Outbreak, Facebook Shuts Its London Office
Following a staff member being diagnosed with the deadly coronavirus, Facebook has shut its London Offices. The company also asked its employees to go for work from home today after the employee tested positive for Covid-19.

The Company said that the employee who was diagnosed with the coronavirus usually works in Singapore but has visited the Fitzrovia branch of Facebook in Central London on office work.

"An employee based in our Singapore office who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 visited our London offices 24-26 February 2020. We are therefore closing our London offices until Monday for deep cleaning and employees are working from home until then," a spokesperson of Facebook said.

"We are therefore closing our London offices until Monday for deep cleaning and employees are working from home until then," the spokesperson added.

It has been reported that companies like Amazon, Google have also asked their employees to work from home with the news of the outbreak of coronavirus. The official records state that a total of 163 cases of coronavirus were reported including the death of a person in the UK. There have been forty-seven new cases in the last 24 hours, reportedly.