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Woman aborts with coat hanger, Arrested

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   14 Dec 2015 10:48 AM GMT
Woman aborts with coat hanger, Arrested
A 31-year-old Tennessee woman Anna Yocca was arrested by police after she attempted to self-abort her pregnancy in a bathtub. Yocca was 24 weeks pregnant and she used a coat hanger to abort her own fetus

She reporteldy filled a bathtub with warm water before using a coat hanger to abort her pregnancy.She inserted the coat hanger and started bleeding. When she couldn't stop bleeding, she panicked and became alarmed.

Her boyfriend took her to Hospital and under care of doctors, she gave birth to a 1.5 lb. baby boy. Though they saved the kid a doctor has confirmed that the infant will live the rest of his life in need of total care as he suffered several injuries. The mother was charged for attempt of murder and is being arrested.Yocca is accused of causing medical issues to the child's lungs, eyes and heart.